Dusting off the Fujifilm x100t

Published in
4 min readDec 31, 2019


It’s not like I have another camera to use. I’ve just been lazy about taking photos. This is my attempt to get back into that.

Let’s talk about the camera I normally use when I shoot: the Fujifilm x100t.

shadowy water canal in Venice, Italy
all of the photos in this post were created by me! and they were all taken in Venice, Italy.

There’s no good excuse not to use this or a similar Fujifilm camera. It’s jpeg images are gorgeous straight out of the camera with little editing. It’s small, so you can easily bring it anywhere without carrying around other annoying equipment. It’s cute, too. What’s not to like?

door and mailbox details with golden adornments

I started the day using the camera as is (and later added on the telephoto lens converter). I’m using the Chrome film simulation in camera, and did not edit any of these photos in post.

Without the lens converter, I’m able to get much closer to details like this, and now that I’m looking at them afterward, I appreciate the quality. They seem crisper than the images made with the teleconverter (coming later in the post).

copper plated doorbells and labels and a hand pushing one
gold-plated doorbell and labels

Some of the images are a bit dark. I tend to shoot darker than I should. Just a bad habit that I never kicked.

blurry man with camera pointing in foreground; sharpened Venice canal in the background
Adrián likes to get shots/video of me shooting with my camera for his own videos. Behind-the-scenes look if you will :)
large Venice canal with a few small boats and a domed church in the background

My backpack wasn’t heavy that day. I was carrying my phone, some money, credit cards, a few clementines, a kindle, an iPad, and the teleconverter lens. Still, it can always be lighter! So, I decide to put the teleconverter lens on the camera.

small digital camera with cable release in foreground, blurry Venice canal in background

First, I want to see that bokeh. I tried taking some nice images of Adrián’s gear with the new lens attached, but they didn’t totally work out.

large Venice canal with a few small boats and domed church in the background

Then I tried taking the same subject as I did before but this time with the teleconverter lens. It must be the novelty of it because I was really impressed after taking a few shots like the one above.

large Venice canal with some boats
large Venice canal with some boats, boats in the foreground
Venice canal: buildings in sunlight, boat in the shadows

I decided to leave the teleconverter on the camera for the rest of the day. I feel as though it’s easier to come up with a decent compostition using the teleconverter. I usually feel less inspired using the camera as-is. I wondered again if this is just related to the novelty of the lens. I haven’t used it in a long time, after all.

close up detail of a Venice church

It sure does make it easier to capture architectural details, for example.

contrast-y image of a bench in the sun with bright columns in front of a shadowed background
details of Venetian roofs and windows
marble columns in foreground, left. Man on boardwalk on the right
domed church with statue of Mary on top

Since I put this post together I haven’t picked up the camera again. My experiment didn’t work, but I’m not giving up just yet. Today’s the last day of the decade and a new year starts tomorrow…here’s to more image-making!

